The meditation technique I teach is simple and effortless

It will give you the ability to appreciate life on a level you have yet to experience.
Using a mantra – a super refined sound or vibration  –  which is intrinsically charming or engaging to the mind, the mind is able to move from its usual active, thought filled states into deeper, quieter, exquisitely refined subtle states, until transcendence is reached and bliss is experienced.  

A pure natural bliss, but not as we typically understand it.
Rather it’s bliss experienced as a supreme inner contentedness.

Originating in India over 5,000 years ago, Vedic meditation was introduced by the great
Vedic teachers to the world, to be shared. The knowledge and technique is universal in nature.

It is a meditation technique intentionally specifically cognised for “householders” –
people, like you and me, living vibrant, full, engaged modern lives –
so that we can enjoy the profound benefits meditation brings.

Since inception 5,000 years ago, Vedic meditation has been passed on
through an unbroken line of teachers to this day.

The thing about meditation is

you become more and more you

David lynch

the benefits

of meditation


Enhance physical health and general wellbeing Better digestion and lower blood pressure


IncreaseD creativity,
energy and vitality




IncreaseD happiness and joy


Development of one’s conscious state




Reduce and eliminate stress, tension and fatigue


Crystal clear clarity and thinking


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Better quality sleep and deeper rest

And we are still discovering the profound effects meditation has on our mind and body. For example, a Harvard study found meditation rebuilds the brand’s grey matter in as little as 8 weeks (that’s 2 months). You can read about the landmark Harvard University study HERE